The Monthly Drop #5
Hiya! Rhian here.
We’re back again for your monthly dose of Big Drop news!
The Big Drop Subscription Service is live!
We’re super excited to announced we’ve launched our subscription service!
If you subscribe..
– You’ll get regular free deliveries to your door without the hassle of re-ordering.
– You get a 15% discount off the regular price of 24 bottles.
Less faff and you save money – doesn’t that sound good eh!?
We’ve initially launched with the award-winning Pine Trail Pale Ale, Uptown Craft Lager and Galactic Milk Stout and will be announcing availability for the Paradiso Citra IPA soon.
We’ve been pouring pints for NHS staff!
John has had a busy month pouring pints … around 800 to be exact! At the start of the month, we parked up at Homerton Hospital on a sunny afternoon and were welcomed by a queue of thirsty staff!
We hope to visit again soon – there was certainly the demand for it!

The following week we were back on the road to celebrate the NHS 72nd Birthday with the Royal Free Charity. Over 3 days we poured pints at Royal Free Hospital at Hampstead Heath, Chalk Farm and Barnet Hospital. A really rewarding experience for us – we loved every minute!
Take a look back at some of the special moments.
International news
Iltalehti – a Finnish publication tested15 non-alcoholic beers and guess what..ours came out on top! Our Paradiso Citra IPA was the popular favourite, with Double Strike Sour and Galactic Milk Stout not far behind!
New Summer Series Merch
We’ve upped our merch game with towels, tumblers and koozies. Yes, pubs have opened again, but park drinks are still very much a thing! So now you don’t have an excuse for warm beers!
Mindful Drinking Festival went virtual!
Our friends at Club Soda hosted the (virtual) Global Mindful Drinking Festival! It was a wonderful weekend of inspirational talks, tastings, cocktail making! Our beers we’re part of a few tasting segments (best AF beers in Australia, North America and beers for lunch and we were lucky enough to host our own tasting.
Watch Co-Founder, James and Brand Ambassador, Matt here.
Big Drop Recommends..
14 Hills
Now that we’re able to venture out again, here are a few places that we work with who are nailing safety first right now..
14 Hills, London
20 Stories, Manchester
The Wooton Hatch, Dorking
Brewhouse & Kitchen, Nottingham
The Pig Hotel, Dorset
Living Big This Month
@millionbevs is back at it again, this time trekking in the beautiful Lakes!
Stay tuned for what’s next.
Big love,
Rhian & Team Big Drop.